Toto site verification is Toto Security
by major site
One of the most frequently received phrases from the customer center is “Is it a major site?” A major site should not be easily attached to anyone. It can be called a major site only after checking the capital and operating period and completing verification for several years.
Toto site operating period
Toto Security considers the period of operation of the Toto site as the most important part when selecting a certified company. The reason is that, in the case of a Toto site with an old operating period, it is thought that a certain amount of capital has been secured, and the operating know-how is also accumulated as it is old.
Monthly trial test by all certified companies
The biggest element of the Toto site is the demonstration. It is optimized for eating and drinking when there is no test material. As a result, Totoboan sends a request for verification to all companies on the 1st of every month. If the relevant part is insufficient or falls short of the standard, we inform you of the termination of the certification company.
Precautions when using certified companies
The Toto site, which is certified by Toto Security, is a site that has been thoroughly verified. However, there is absolutely no guarantee for members who abuse this to place illegal bets. There are various reasons, such as betting on both sides, violation of rules, etc., and after hearing the story from the user first, we will send a request for fact check to the site. We promise 200% compensation if you have been damaged even though you have made a really normal bet.
Totosite solution check
All communities or Toto sites are also being hacked a lot. In particular, Toto sites where cash flows are targeted first. Toto Security outsources security inspections to security experts and conducts security checks with the relevant certified company.
Since there is a possibility that crackdowns may take place in Korea, it is essential to check whether they have a base abroad.
european betting
Recently, there is a trend toward European-style betting on domestic Toto sites as well. European-style betting is acclaimed for its various betting styles ranging from real-time in-play to various reference points.
power ball game
It is a 5-minute game released by the companion lottery, which has various affiliates and is currently trending. As the game progresses quickly, we recommend using a small amount.
real-time casino
Due to the recent coronavirus, all flights have been blocked, and it seems that the number of members looking for online casinos has increased. Please check whether the video has been officially licensed before use.
Various mini games
All Toto sites have a lot of different mini-games. However, please make sure that the release is made with a reliable score. Recently, there have been a lot of own mini-gam